Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
When you get into that high a mpg, little things become very significant. The RE 92s, when I replaced them on my Insight the mileage did not change one bit.
On my VX it dropped 7 mpg when I put on Michelin X tires. A lot of the lrr tires have less tread depth. The OE tires on my Mirage are 8/32 tread depth. Many tires are 11/32 and some even more.
Keep the ones you have inflated as high as you can tolerate. At 50 psi versus 40 your lean burn will probably engage 15-20% more, everything else being equal.
Thanks Mech for the Info once again.
I think I will bring up the tire pressure now to 50psi. Our forecast for this Month is for much cooler temps around 75 for the high. So I think I will be safe?