Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
biomethane generated at landfills and sewage treatment plants.
Turns out bio methane is full of CO2 and actually burns pretty dirty compared to natural gas.
I work with three 1500 horsepower boilers. They were all bought new and installed at the same time.
One runs up to 20% bio gas. Its only 10 years old and had been retubed.
The bio gas boiler also needs to have its tubed brushed twice as often.
The biogas feed line had to be constructed out of very expensive stainless steel. It has to be isolated from the gas circuit, charged up with compressed air and blown out once a week.
The other 2 boilers have almost as many hours and show no signs of need a retube any time this decade.
But that bio gas boiler saves between $1,000 and $3,000 per day, everyday it runs (and it runs about 350 days a year), so what ever the boil men charged for the retube was not even something that had to be though about.