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Old 09-08-2015, 11:39 AM   #23 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by spacemanspif View Post
I think it's funny that the article in question talks about people not having cars becuase of high student loan debt; as if a new car is the only option.
Some people see used cars as unreliable and are not willing to deal with the preventive and eventually corrective maintenance required by one, but would feel ashamed to be seen driving a no-frills subcompact if that's the only thing they could buy brand-new. Scooters and low-displacement motorcycles could be a reasonable option for many folks with a low budget to spend in a private vehicle, such as students, but motorcycles seem to be culturally regarded as "inferior" in America (unless it's a fancy Harley-Davidson).

And that people aren't connected to their cars, mechanically, as they used to be but no mention of vehicles being more complicated just to keep people coming back to dealers for service work.
Another reason that could drive more mechanically-inclined people toward motorcycles, as they usually are technically simpler. Sure it wouldn't be so much of an one-size-fits-all approach, but shouldn't be so overlooked
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