Trip Details
I did fill all the tires to max sidewall before leaving, 50psi.
First tank, Thursday: left my house at 6 am, filled up the night before. first 50 miles or so was back road interstates at 55mph. Got onto State Route 2, speed limit 65. stayed on that until Cleveland. Lots of construction. Spent at least an hour trying to get through stop and go city traffic. Finally got out of the city, and it was mostly smooth sailing from there. I had three stops along the way. One for breakfast, 15 minutes eating inside. One rest break, 5 minutes, and one for supper, 10 minutes. Got to Albany /Troy in New York, and once again got stuck in stop and go traffic. Once I got past Troy, the speed limit varied from 55-60. After it got dark, I was sticking to around 50-55 when I could, because I was not familiar with the roads. Temp all day seemed to hover around 80 Fahrenheit, not much wind. 58mpg
Second Tank, Friday through Monday: Lots of driving around the mountains. Its beautiful in Maine. The resort that TDIFest was at, was around 6 miles up hill most of the way. I made many trips up and down that drive. Also, where I was staying was up a mountain about a 2 mile drive every night. This tank also included the drive up Mount Washington, which is incredible, and my car really didn't care much for that. Coolant temps around 210, air intake temps up to 190 by the end of the climb. The last 150 miles or so was highway driving from Bethel to Portland, and around Portland getting lost. 53.4mpg
Last tank, the drive home Monday night, Tuesday morning:
After I filled up in Portland, I decided to get a head start on the trip home, because I like driving at night. I wanted to take a different route home, as to go through 2 different states. When going through Worcester Massachusetts, I hit heavy traffic, about 8pm. Took about an hour to get past all that. Slept somewhere along highway 84 in New York, about 12-1am. Had to start the car around 2:30 because it was too hot and muggy to sleep, ran the car for 10 minutes at idle with the AC on full blast. Woke up at 6:30 and got back on the road. The rest of the day I was bouncing between 70-75, sometimes 80 when passing, until I got back into Ohio. Speed limit dropped, back onto small interstates with 55mph limits. Ran the AC about 50 miles of the trip home. 53.67mpg
2002 Jetta GLS TDI 345k+ miles, all mods listed in description 156HP, 298FT/LB
The eclipse has retired, but I still like seeing it around
Last edited by Rango318; 09-10-2015 at 08:44 AM..