Originally Posted by pgfpro
I'm not sure on your setup how Tygen set it up?
On my Talon I can run it in closed loop or open loop. Closed loop only gives me around 17:1 A/F do to the O2 cycling. This can cause a miss fire with anything leaner while in closed loop.
On my Insight, "still to new to me" but I think it runs in open loop during lean burn and drops to closed loop stioch after x amount of time to cycle the CAT to keep it happy.
The setup is a wire soldered into the MAF->PCM wire. This goes into a pentimometer, dividing voltage and sending part of it to a ground. The rest is what the PCM sees. So the PCM sees less MAF voltage than there actually is.
The strange thing is that after 10 minutes or so, the PCM will go into Open Loop. Power will drop off even more, and my mpg goes down quite a bit. The car is more finicky during OL, as in it does not like as much throttle as it does in CL before knocking.
I'm unsure what A/F ratios I am running. All I know is my short term fuel trims are maxxed out at +32%.