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Old 10-01-2015, 12:23 PM   #6 (permalink)
Lean Burn Cruiser!
BabyDiesel's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Johnston County, NC
Posts: 936

Big Blazin' - '88 Chevrolet K5 Blazer Silverado
90 day: 14.97 mpg (US)

Chili - '00 Honda Insight
Gen-1 Insights
Team Honda
House of Tudor
Team Streamliner
90 day: 72.29 mpg (US)
Thanks: 840
Thanked 491 Times in 310 Posts
A good tune up is an excellent start. One of the first mods you can do is increase your tire pressure to the sidewall max. This means better coasting and overall energy needed to maintain speed, and it is free!

Personally, I would make a plan of what you would like to do to your Opel. I'd start with the easier, cheapest mods (partial grill block, air dam) first and drive for some time to gather info on their effectiveness. Then progress into the more complex mods (kill switch for EOC, accessory deletes) and finally your all-out, crazy mods for ultimate economy (full boat tail, custom tuning, etc.).

Above all else, make it a priority to get some type of fuel economy gauge such as a ScanGauge, UltraGauge, SuperMID, MPGuino, etc. This will help you fine tune every aspect of your driving, as you can see exactly the effect your input is having on your mpgs.

Remember, thank a fellow EM'er for a helpful post!!!
I hypermile better in my cowboy boots

Past threads:
ZX2 modding thread
Ecomodder's Top 10: How they do it!
ZX2 Aerodynamics: Shooting for 0.15 Cd
ZX2 coast-down testing for Cd & Crr
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