Originally Posted by euromodder
The NOx they're pumping out is far worse in the long run than the extra fuel they may use.
I don't know about that. 40 times sounds really bad but we are talking the new standard and I bet those 40 times numbers only occur at 100% throttle. Basically the car is rolling coal. Day to day you are probably talking more like 5 times the .05 g/mile limit which is still better then the 1999 limit of .3g/mile for regular cars. This is only NOx the CO and HC is way lower. Biodiesel also makes NOx levels higher. NOx is bad, don't get me wrong but how bad has acid rain been in the last 20 years? Seems the Co and HC along with the conservation of resources is more pressing lately.
There used to be a smelter down the road that really pumped out the NOx where they were producing 2,000,000 pounds of copper a month, 26% of the total worlds supply at it's peak. They built the smokestack higher the the Washington monument thinking just get it up into the strong winds and it will spread and dissipate over the vast Great Plains. It's hard to judge them, they polluted yes, but I don't know what life would be like without the copper and aluminum they produced for 80 years. I would be willing to buy property in the shadow of that stack today, it's really a beautiful valley again.