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Old 10-10-2015, 11:22 AM   #2 (permalink)
Ultimate Fail
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The engine in the Insight is already a lean burn engine like the VX, but with one less cylinder.
EDIT - however, the automatic Insight does not have lean burn - which is another reason people seem to talk bad about them.
Others here have driven their cars just fine with no battery assistance at all, so that should not be an issue. As far as it being a weak point, i guess you mean a lot of old Insights have bad batteries now ? You can always refurbish the battery, or as i mentioned drive the car without one.
As far as the transmission, do you mean a manual or automatic ? The automatic is overly complex and expensive to fix when broken, but other than that, I think a lot of the bad things you hear are related to the fact that you lose so much fuel economy by using a 'autotragic' ( automatic ) transmission.
Others here have both manual and auto Insights. Let's see what they have to say.
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