Originally Posted by bdesj
I think I`m better off to just pay the people at the store I buy the computer from to move my files as an additional service.
If you're going to have a "windows" shop try to do that, you may well end up losing files if they don't know their way around a Mac.
Time Machine backups are pretty much useless from a Windows computer.
You CAN get at them, but it's rather a pain ITA to do so ...
iPhoto keeps both original and modded versions of your pics ... under the same filename - so keep 'm in separate folders or Windows will think they're duplicates.
and same path with /Modified
You have to control-click on iPhotoLibrary , then choose "show package contents" to see the files inside this "package" ...
If you've used iTunes, you'll either have to use the Windows version of that, or use your iTunes on Mac export function to export your music in a format other Windows media players can handle
I strongly suggest putting these and other files you want to transfer on an USB stick (Fat32 or exFAT depending on size)
In the last 5 years, I've seen more hiccups in the cloud than on my HDs or memory cards.
Backing up 24GB into the cloud is going to take a while, too.
I tend to woo non-tech savvy people away from Windows.
And iPhoto / Photos