I wish I'd bought a copy of Hot VW Magazine when I was at Edwards AFB.The Rabbit was coming out and the Beetle vanishing.A contributor to HVWM did a beautiful rendering of an aero tricked-out Bug,with all the mods you're talking about.It was ART!
Well I've been through banker boxes full of magazines with more to go. Was it one of their feature artists like Harry Bradley or Tom Daniel?
I did find September 1984. It's easier to hot-link an eBay picture than scan my copy. Asking price on eBay was $15. I wonder if I could sell for Bitcoin.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/SEPTEMBER-1984-DUNE-BUGGIES-AND-HOT-VWs-MAGAZINE-BAJA-BUG-930-VEE-/121718832162?nma=true&si=y5SX2qWbJquGjwsH3KLKQ%252 B4GiMc%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675. l2557
So that's the 930 Vee kit—slant nose and boxed fenders
This kit, with the whale tail deleted and the wide-body fenders chopped down to closely fit i3 Ecopias would check all the boxes. Except the front fenders run wild abaft the front axle line (they do show how to approach the door-swing).
Glass Action says
a repop is coming soon.
Harry Bradley, VW Greats 1981