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Old 11-03-2015, 11:59 PM   #306 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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something wasn't right, my permanent magnet alt puts out 1500 watts. of course you have to keep it cool and it has to be turning at the right speed. I don't see any wind generators that can turn a alternator fast enough when the blades are connected directly to the shaft. you need about 3000 rpm and the only way to get that is by gearing up. you have to collect as much surface area wind as possible and use it's torque so you can gear it up to higher speeds. try standing in the back of a truck going 50 mph and then quickly hold up a 4x8 sheet of plywood in front of you.
Remember I stated that the wind force is already pushing against the front the car. take a semi truck for instance, those who do not have the curved wind screen helping to channel the wind force pushing against the front of the truck body are getting the full force of the wind just like holding up a 4x8 sheet of plywood. so lets say maybe there hundreds of pounds of force pushing against that area of your truck. And then you place in front of that area a fan generator, is there more force pushing against your truck now than before? the wind is going to slow you down anyway so why not put that force which is already slowing you down to work. sure its still slowing you down but now your getting something in return. Electricity that can be used for something, delete the alternator or make HHO so you are not increasing the drag on your vehicle so much, but instead you are simply using the force which is already putting a drag on your vehicle to do some work.
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