I'm done with adding a datastream. I could change it to fit the rtd format, but that format isn't well suited to the 3 phase variables. The format is:
char RTDataString[] = "TR=xxx CR=xxx CF=xxx PW=xxx HS=xxxx RT=xxxx FB=xx BA=xxx AH=xxx.x\r\n";
Throttle, current reference, current feedback, pulse width, heatspreader temp, raw throttle, fault bits, battery amps, and amp hours.
I'm more inclined to do something like this for the output of the datastream:
The following variables are being streamed:
variable_1 variable_2 variable_3 variable_4
xxx xxx xxx xxx<cr/lf>
xxx xxx xxx xxx<cr/lf>
xxx xxx xxx xxx<cr/lf>
xxx xxx xxx xxx<cr/lf>
xxx xxx xxx xxx<cr/lf>
xxx xxx xxx xxx<cr/lf>
xxx xxx xxx xxx<cr/lf>
xxx xxx xxx xxx<cr/lf>
That way, when the data is outputted to excel, the top row would be the variable names