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Old 11-30-2015, 12:37 PM   #33 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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The guy who installed it for us didn't really know what he was doing (and didn't claim to). He didn't cut any wires or do anything more than swap out the batteries. The person we purchased it from says he did cut wires as per instructions from green tech. Based on nothing more than the esthetics of his workmanship I think it is probable that he botched the job. I say that because the wires are intertwined in a way that makes it quite difficult to see what he has done. I hope that I've succeeded with the two photos below.

The point of the top photo is to establish some labeling. I label the pins 1 to 6 from right to left as shown in the photo. In following table I summarize the wire colors that go to the given pin numbers. The wires coming from pins 1 & 2 are a few inches long and are not connected to anything. The wires coming from pins 3, 5, and 6 go directly into the harnesses. The wire coming from pin 4 goes to complex junction which is shown in the second photo.

pin # wire color

1 red
2 blue w/ long yellow stripe
3 yellow w/ short silver stripes
4 blue w/ short silver stripes
5 white w/ short silver stripes
6 blue w/ short silver stripes

53ROLBPh08wzbODVprSMAcXgxg0Vv_Vi5UbUEqbU-5A by rarichard, on Flickr
This next picture focuses on a junction. Three wires coming from the harnesses are all connected to the wire that is connected to pin 4. The wires coming from the harnesses are (a)blue w/ long black stipe and short silver stripes (b)yellow w/ long black stripe and short silver stripes, and (c)blue w/ short silver stripes.
Bs2fV583KN_HjvO0JSztB8V6_prisaCo3pcL1cgPLBI by rarichard, on Flickr

Apparently the fundamental unit in these things are cells which are supposed to be about 1.25 volts or something. Those are arranged in 20 tubes each of which contains 6 cells. Pairs of these tubes are connected in series. On our old battery if you measure the voltage across a pair of tubes it is about 15.5 V. On the refurbished battery the same measurement gives about 12.5 V. I don't know why the voltages are so different. I would like to make sure that the refurbished battery is wired correctly so that we can either use it or sell it on e-bay. If we can refurbish the old battery that would be great too. The first thing I want to establish is whether the wiring on the refurbished battery is correct or not.

Last edited by rpearson; 11-30-2015 at 02:53 PM..
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