So far so good with the catalyst; It has been about 400 miles since the CEL came on, and I've driven it in a variety of conditions, both lightly and pretty hard at times.
In other news, I got tired of having to mash my trip, mph/kmph, + and - buttons, so I pulled apart the dash and soldered in
some replacements I got from digi-key for ~$3 shipped.
Here's the cluster removed:
The buttons are on small, removable PCBs in the back. There are plastic tabs and a screw holding them in place. The tabs break super easy (I broke one) but don't seem to be at all necessary for securing the PCB.
Here's one new button next to an old one. The best way to get the old buttons out is really to tear them to bits, and then desolder the legs individually. I replaced all 4, and they work very well. There's now a very pleasant tactical "click" when they close circuit.