A Lead on Batteries!!!
That's a "leed" on batteries! I know, it comes across as a visual pun...
I just got an e-mail from an area EV group leader saying another member has some
"Deka GEL, 31 deep cycle batteries that he will sell you for $9 each. He has about 20 of them and he indicated that they are good batteries..."
Of course this guy didn't say WHO had the batteries or WHERE the were, so I still have to wait for a reply to the e-mail I sent back, basically saying "YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES!"
Hmm, that maybe sounds desperate. Well, those weren't my exact words anyways.
These batteries sound like EXACTLY what I need for this project. The only thing I can think of is you have to be a little more careful charging gel cells, they have fairly specific charging voltage requirements.
I will let you all know if I get these batteries!