Thread: Warped Hubs
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Old 12-26-2015, 08:24 PM   #14 (permalink)
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@Old Mechanic

I hate to say it but I think I probably messed up the rims and your post basically confirms it.

I only put soap on half of the rim (you can get in half the tire first and then you need to lever the other half on and the soap helps a lot) because I heard that the soap is a mild-solvent and is not the greatest thing in the world for the tire. I to tried to get all the soap off the rim and tire before I set the bead, so basically the bead set dry but I'm sure one half of the tire had more of an inclination to slide further.

I wonder if someone else could confirm if how the bead sets makes a difference or does the bead always expand out equally once the tire is fully inflated.

Do the pros use tire lubricant when they set the bead?

Last edited by DragBean; 12-26-2015 at 08:33 PM.. Reason: The reason why I only put soap on half the tire
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