Here's a few pics of the install. I could not use the included strap to mount the heater. I elected to use zip ties on the heater hoses close to the heater itself. I'm not sure I like this yet, but it seems strong enough.
The first photo shows a top down view with the top being the front of the car. The coolant overflow tank is the big white thing at the top. Here I had just attached the coolant lines and had not yet mounted the heater.
The second photo shows the hose routing to get the smoothest line up through the rest of the hoses. Tank heater is on the right side of the picture. Follow the clean new lines. I cut a short piece of hose lengthwise and zip tied it over the section of hose that has a chance of rubbing on the engine mount. It shouldn't rub...
The last photo shows the final positioning behind the radiator. Not ideal, but it works. I hadn't yet clipped the ends off the zip ties. I ended up removing that old spring clamp as it eventually developed a leak due to poor clamping power. I replaced it with another screw type hose clamp.
Then I zip tied the electrical cord from the heater in a few places to keep it tidy and plugged it into my onboard wiring that allows me to use one plug on the outside of the car.
I have since began insulating these long lines to keep the temp up in the run to and from the engine.