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Old 12-30-2015, 11:41 PM   #15 (permalink)
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So your the one feeding the troll. I feel better.

You found shredded messiah. I suspect that aertherforce is a con artist just like Aaron Murakami. As for the meth, Dollard claims to have cleaned up the scene at the Integratron.

You provided a link and quote but didn't say which of the varying viepoints you support.

I'd go with JETMORGAN, Jul 11, 2014 #18. It's basically copypasta from damnedinteresting.

Maybe you should let go of that overunity thing, I think it makes you a little cranky.

In 1899, Tesla moved his research to Colorado Springs. He chose this location because the polyphase alternating current power distribution system had been introduced there and he had associates who were willing to give him all the power he needed without charging for it.

Eric Dollard - History and Theory of Electricity was posted to Youtube by Murakami. The first hour Dollard starts with Alessandro Volta and tell a history that brings out the personalities of the main figures. Maxwell and Steinmetz. Tesla gets little mention and he is embedded in the flow of events before and after.

The rest explains electric and dielectric forces and all. If you watch the first hour, I'd be curious if it changes your opinion of Tesla. I mean, you are going up against Mathew Inman.