Originally Posted by oldtamiyaphile
The question then is what happened to the 18% improvement on the European cycle Toyota claimed?
The G3 was rated 48 MPG EPA
The G4 ECO is rated 56 MPG EPA
That's a 16% improvement.
The G3 is rated 3.9l/100km NEDC
a 14% improvement would be in the order of 3.4l/100km (83mpg UK).
We can't directly translate percentages like that, there are nuances in the drive cycle that can favor one car over another. The gentler NEDC cycle may yet still see an official 3.2l/100km rating for Europe and the rest of the world. 3.4 would still be pretty damn good, assuming we can get that real world, but to date the Prius has been pretty good.