Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
Your trade is agriculture.
Your profession is angler.
Practice your profession while mastering your trade.
Get a gov't job in agriculture where you are not doing the work yourself but helping others make their work more productive. Like hypermiling a farm.
Try your hand at competitive angling and see if you meet the grade. Meanwhile let life show you some fun and some sorrow and maybe everything will work out if you let it. If not change course and keep going forward.
Great advice Grandpa
I'm actively looking and seeking a job like you listed. I will try at my dream with all I've got, but will keep an open mind to what direction life is trying to take me. That's all I can do, I reckon.
The only reason I want to become a professional bass fisherman is because there is no such thing as professional hypermiler!
Now if y'all will excuse me, I need to go out and practice my profession