It's funny - when this car came out, I recall reading a quote from one of GM's designers complaining, "it's too hard to get good aero from a little car!"
Here it is:
"The Spark's short length impacts the drag in two main ways," explains GM's small-car development manager, Dan Molnar. "First, the grille and windshield are more upright to allow greater passenger space, and second, there's simply not enough length to smoothly guide air around the car."
That GM quote sounds like "we gave up" to me. There are plenty of other small cars that do better. EG. the Mirage has a Cd as low as 0.27, according to Mitsubishi (depending on trim). Yes, it's slightly longer than the Spark, but that's not the only reason it's got better aero.
0.326 is the figure for the
EV version of the Spark.
0.36 is the (terrible!) figure for the
gas version.
Here's what they did to the EV to make it more slippery: