In my case, I will have many intriguing first dates that never respond to me again, but I take out two women withing twenty-four hours that both want to date.
How much does it cost to replace a Prius windshield? I paid $2,700 for my 2000 Civic October of 2014 with 180,000 miles. The only known repair it needed was the fender, but had it been the windshield instead, I probably would have replaced it by now.
There is a local black fender for $85 with "minor" damage, but I picked up a white fender the first time that someone broke my mirror for less than half that.
At some point, I would like to paint my car white, although it seems like it would be better to purchase a white LX.
Then someone threw away most of my stuff in the shed. When I mentioned it to the owner, he said that while it was unlocked, anyone could get in there and steal stuff.
Sure, perhaps a Civic part, although would they be able to recognize it?
Old campaign signs, though? Yes, those must have been stolen!