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Old 01-31-2016, 09:59 PM   #138 (permalink)
Neutral is my favorite
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Niagara Falls, NY
Posts: 225

The Black Pearl - '03 Mercury Marauder 300A
Team Panther

Land Yacht - '08 Lincoln Navigator L Ultimate
90 day: 15.89 mpg (US)

Tank of Justice III - '97 Ford Crown Victoria HPP
Team Panther
90 day: 24.84 mpg (US)
Thanks: 52
Thanked 63 Times in 53 Posts
Ok, so I've had a good few days in a row to work on the Tank.
First off, get your sunglasses out.

I removed the A/C condenser in dash. My A/C is completely removed now. That weighed 5.2 lbs, for a total of 118.2 lbs removed, not including this block swap. The boz is resealed with grey RTV.
I'm also replacing a brake line to the right front, since I did the other three last summer.

I also realized that it was a good time to get some pics of my lower air dam.
I made a template out of cardboard before cutting the final piece out of aluminum. It's secured with nut plates so that it can be removed easily, if needed. It's kinda hard to see since it's painted the same flat black as the car.
Pic from the front:

You can see how much it covers up. Pic from behind:

I painted more stuff. I should be able to set the crank tomorrow night and maybe throw some pistons in soon.

-ryan s.
1997 Ford Crown Victoria HPP- "Tank of Justice III" 194k - 578.9 miles on ONE tank
2003 Mercury Marauder- 63k, not so fuel efficient; #1,548 of 11,052
2008 Lincoln Navigator L - 244k (don't ask about mpg)

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