Originally Posted by redneck
That's my opinion. Based on what I see, hear and read.
You're not reading much about the oil market, then.

Inelastic supply during the mega-pricey oil years (2006-2008 precrash and 2011 - 2013 post) point to capacity constraints for Middle Eastern oil. Some of Saudi's smaller well s have already run dry. Certain OPEC members are already on the downswing of their production curve. And older "shale" wells in the US started seeing big drops in production after just two years.
Nothing is forever.
Originally Posted by sendler
We have another 100 years left. If we don't use this energy wealth to transition to a clean economy before we pass peak civilization will....?

It's heartening to see that even the "LOLWUT? Emissions?!? CHILLAX!!!" Chinese government is taking pollution and energy independence seriously enough to enact widespread programs to transition from fossil fuels (coal and oil) to renewable energy and EVs. I doubt they can kick the habit completely, but they're investing in non-fossil power at a breakneck pace.
I would have hoped that we could use that tremendous energy wealth for something useful, like fusion, or setting up permanent orbital solar arrays, or maybe starting an asteroid mining and power empire... instead, we're wasting it on gridlock traffic, iPhones and internet pornography.
Not that I'm complaining about the internet...