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Old 02-19-2016, 08:09 AM   #22 (permalink)
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2009 Honda Fit auto - '09 Honda Fit Auto
90 day: 38.51 mpg (US)

PCX153 - '13 Honda PCX150
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Those Cella hydrogen storage beads are a one time use media that must be sent back and recycled after every use. Out of the question for a car.
Hydrogen/ oxygen reaction releases 140,000 joules per gram of hydrogen. This is only .0388 kW. A 50kWh battery would match 1288.7 g of hydrogen.
The best carbon nano storage systems are 700 psi at liquid nitrogen temps and only hold 40g/ Liter so a 32 Liter tank would compare for energy storage but a battery EV is 90% efficient from battery to wheels and fuel cells are only 50% so 60 liters for the hydrogen tank is getting pretty large.
Research « ALL-CRAFT
The best high temp hydrolysis manufacturing of hydrogen is only 60% efficient so round trip efficieny of hydrogen for grid storage is also a very poor option compared to batteries.
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