Originally Posted by cowmeat
Holy cow man, what part of Kentucky do you drive?
I grew up in northwest Kentucky right on the Ohio river, and I can't think of any area you could drive that far and not go through hill country.
I have to agree, you're wasting a lot of your life driving. If the situation isn't easily changed, I would at least try to find a rider to share the drive and the gas cost. Even if you picked a rider up halfway through, or left your car at somebody's house you'd get a lot of help on gas and way less miles on the car
The farther you commute, the more sense it makes to carpool
I commute from Pulaski County to Lexington. I did car pool with a guy for a few years. The problem is we work a "flex schedule" and not everyone has set hours and works the same time. Some weeks I work 4, 10 hour days, and others I work 5, 8 hour days, or a combination of 12 and 5 hour days. It was too hard to be on the same schedule as someone else that lived in my general direction.