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Old 02-25-2016, 10:53 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by spacemanspif View Post
I don't understand all this sun shield stuff. My SG is mounted on a piece of metal that is wedged into the vent in the center of the dash. No cover, no shade no nothing just there on the dash and stays there all the time. I've never had a problem seeing the screen or it overheating. New Jersey doesn't get hot like Texas but I'd think we get close enough to see problems arise.
please explain why all the manufacturers waste material recessing the gauges on the dash?
In the old days there was no cowl over the gauges.
It's about ergonomics.

What you might have missed (from at least my posts) is that the reason is subtle. The human eye reacts differently in bright light and in shade. It reacts differently when looking long distances and when reading up close.
By having the gauge in the bright light, you are asking your eye to adjust in a way that is not congruent with the layout of the dash. Eventually, your mind will tell the eye that it is a pain in the ass to look at the gauge. And quit looking.
You describe your gauge as being in the center oh a vent, so at least it is not on top of the dash.

Sure, you can 'see' the screen.
But it is about incremental improvements that enhance the experience.

To the other end are people who have the Scangauge down by the 'ashtray' and think that is 'fine'. Like looking down off the windshield is a good thing.

You can do as you like.
I drove 40-50k miles a yr in the Infiniti. I didn't do what I did randomly. I did it because it enhanced the driving experience.
MetroMPG: "Get the MPG gauge - it turns driving into a fuel & money saving game."

First: ScangaugeII

Second: Grille Block

Third: Full underbelly pan

Fourth: rear skirts and 30.4mpg on trip!
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