I agree with you there.
More cars on the road isn't a good thing. But then, that raises a number of moral and economic questions.
SHOULD cars be very expensive to help cut down on pollution and congestion? (Or maybe just really high gas prices?)
If so, then will only the rich have cars?
Is a very in-expensive car going to mean that people will just get a new one and throw the old one away instead of fixing it? Don't laugh, when was the last time you had a VCR fixed? Consumer electronics would be a TERRIBLE model for automobiles.
If a person thinks that more cars on the road pollute more and add to congestion, then is the only morally right thing to do for that person to reduce or eliminate car use?
These are all serious questions. I really do believe that transportation issues are very important right now.
Best use of global resources (including oil), human condition including health (due to pollution) even food prices (ethanol quadrupled the price of torillas in some parts of Mexico) are the sorts of things wars are fought over.
My personal answer to the above questions are that maybe gas SHOULD cost a little more, I hope cars don't become even more disposable than they already are, and that a person does have a moral responsibility to not waste resources, although exactly how he uses them is a personal choice.