EcoModding Lurker
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Location: italy
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Originally Posted by thingstodo
You set the 'flags' of all of the variables that you want to stream to 1
I think these are all of them:
stream-time 1
stream-id 1
stream-iq 1
stream-idref 1
stream-iqref 1
stream-ia 1
stream-ib 1
stream-ic 1
stream-percent-volts 1
stream-battery-amps 1
stream-raw-throttle 1
stream-throttle 1
stream-temperature 1
stream-slip-speed 1
stream-electrical-speed 1
stream-mechanical-speed 1
The you set your data-stream-period, which is how often you want them to print on the screen. 1000 = 1 second.
data-stream-period 1000
And this is how they will print out on the terminal screen:
Press Return to stop the streaming
Copy the text from your terminal screen to a text file, or capture it to a text file. When you open that file with excel, it imports the columns with commas between them.
thanks thingstodo that was very useful
i did some tests to be sure that adc is working:
i did some easy math ahahah.. 2.5v = 0AMP, 2.8V = +4AMP because my sensor gives me 2.5+-(0.075V/A)
so with a precision trimmer, i set 2.5v and i got 0 AMPS and then 2.8V and on both channels i got 4 AMPS.
then i tested also tempreature feedback and throttle feedback everything just works fine..
i tested also my encoder with oscilloscope.. everything is ok. my encoder is 1024 PPR, Model: GI330 GI 332
i'dont know why the motor is not turning....
heeellllppp ahahahh 