This is my first 4 seater, after having a string of 2 seaters.
I've pulled over a thousand pounds behind my G1 Insight through the Appalachians. The Civic Hybrid weighs more but has more total power, and will probably will do just as well for towing. At least, the 5MT - I wouldn't tow behind a CVT, since they're pretty fragile to begin with.
Be careful of weak hybrid batteries in southern cars - heat is killer to them, and Civic Hybrids didn't come with the same battery warranty the G1 Insights did. It's possible to drive one with a dead hybrid battery, but it will be a slug to drive. Refurbishment or replacement isn't terribly expensive, but it's a possible hidden cost in these vehicles.
OTOH, you might find an otherwise healthy HCH1 with a dead battery selling for cheap, which you can have refurbished for as little as $500.