Okay guys, here's an update on the 5th gear issue. There isn't one.
It's not that there isn't an issue, no sir, it is precisely that there isn't a fifth gear. The teeth are GONE. Check out these pics:
Here's the black top hat, with the battery tray pulled out. The top hat is held on by five-or-seven 10mm bolts and exactly two 12mm bolts.
I pulled it and immediately saw the issue:
NO TEETH left. This W.I.P. needs a dentist!
The top hat was full of this pastey-goo. At first I thought, "Oh, hey, dinosaur chunks". But no... no, no.
Hey, why isn't there a magnet in this hat from the factory?
So I am officially in the market for a 5th gear set. Please, if you have one, know of a guy, or think you could swipe one from a car in a parkingg lot ... let's get in touch!