XL1 quick look:
Length 153.07 inches
Width 65.55 inches
Height 50.47 inches
Weight 1752 lbs
3-inch ground clearance
Two-cylinder 47-hp 800cc turbocharged diesel engine coupled with 27-hp electric motor
DSG 7-speed automatic transmission with magnesium housing
Top Speed 99 mph
0-60 in just over 12 seconds


Centurion quick look:
Length 156 inches
Width 59 inches
Height 41 inches
Weight <1200 lbs
4.5-inch ground clearance
Three-cylinder 17-hp 855cc normally aspirated Kubota diesel tractor engine
8 Speed manual transmission - Triumph Spitfire 4 speed with optional overdrive
Top Speed 88 mph
0-60 in over 12 seconds just like the XL1 - lol!


Last edited by changzuki; 08-03-2018 at 11:17 PM..
Reason: typo