Don't knock DeLorean too hard. Some decisions that were made in the name of budget constraints necessarily constrained the car to underwhelming performance. The PRV V6 was never intended to be a sports car engine, but it can be encouraged to be less of an embarrassment with a little work.
I am too psyched to hear how the Centurion does in the GGP. I have no budget to travel or time off from work, or I would be sorely tempted to make the trek. It looks like a blast.
Jerry, I've been reading about you for years - I think before I even joined Ecomodder. It seems only fitting to me that it would be someone like you that points up just how silly some of the major manufacturer's "achievements" are in the face of a little determined tinkering.
If you push past 250 again, I think we should all invest heavily in building brand-new Centurions with little diesels under the hood. I can imagine a weekly fill-up to the tune of three gallons!

Lead or follow. Either is fine.