Originally Posted by MisterMundane
how bout you go away.
Sorry for having an opinion, yeesh!
Ruining a perfectly good muscle .
Originally Posted by MisterMundane
car with a.... freaking Prius drive train is just devastating to a car guy like me. I'm all for trying to get great mileage, which is why I'm here. But sorry, a classic Firebird like this is not the way to do it..
(SORRY, You're WHO again.....PRESIDENT of WHAT fan club????)
Originally Posted by MisterMundane
Totally ruining a great car.
I guess you're just not a true car enthusiast. otherwise you would be in tears at the sight of this monstrosity.
guess what???????
I don't have to guess about you...........
so here's the deal now that you have shown your REAL feelings ..."sight of this monstrosity".
you're an idiot.

you cant read more than a post.
Keep your opinion to yourself.
UNLESS your willing to put your money where your mouth is......
Come on, talks cheap.....

buy him out......'save the whale'!!!!
ps. say hi to 'Harvey'.