I didn't actually install the motor. Everyone knows how much I love cardboard and duct tape...
So I made up a mockup to the same dimensions as the motor.
Above: reinstalled the transmission with the 3-cyl tranny mounts just to confirm earlier measurements. It all fits, but only 1 inch of clearance from the right "frame" rail (left side of the pic) = not enough room to re & re the motor without also taking out the axles & tranny. Not that we plan to be dropping the motor out every weekend, but you never know...
Much more comfy. 4+ inches of clearance now between the motor & frame. The only problem was the left side tranny mount (bottom right in the pic) was NOT located on the frame rail in the same spot on the 3-cyl and 4-cyl cars...
The nuts the original mount used were tack welded inside a the boxed frame rail during assembly, so we had to use a hole saw to gain access to the inside of the rail to put nuts behind the relocated holes. So it's a little less strong now. But lighter!
This week: need to make up a mount to connect the right motor mount (lower left of 1st or 2nd pic) to the motor. Also, there's a bearing bracket about half way down the right axle that needs to be secured. (It was connected to the 4-cyl engine block.)