Originally Posted by danwat1234
Didn't want to go with a new Prius, or a used one or a used Volt for less than a new Civic? It's easy to get 60MPG on a '16 Prius.
It all came down to the turbo. Ntm the new Prius is over 30k, and has batteries. As does the Volt. Eventually, they will die, and need to be replaced. I would rather spend a little more in fuel than have to deal with battery issues. It's the reason I haven't rebuilt the battery in my insight. As soon as smog is up for my insight, I'll just part it out. I'm tired of always stressing over stupid batteries.
P.S. I'm getting minimum 43MPG to work and back. I got 45.1 round trip yesterday, and I had a head wind and used A/C. Insight today got 59.6 with similar conditions.