I'll look into that. I've wanted to get one of those but I'm not sure what app would give reliable data or which device would either. I have been keeping it in neutral when I coast. If I don't it wants to try and down shift and slows me down with light engine braking. Sport mode has medium engine braking and then there's a B mode that has the heaviest engine braking of all and it's kinda scary when it kicks in if you're not expecting it. It's kinda compareable to my Burgman 650 scooter in the heavy engine braking. It coasts farther than the Scion tC did in neutral too. I was thinking about trying to set the idle to idle lower like at 800 or 750 instead of 1000 like it wants to. I was also thinking of putting a K&N drop in filter in it too. I did that with my Scion tC and it did help for 1 or 2 mpg and I could actually hear the engine. Just taking the air resonator off the air intake helped the mpg a ton and I can hear the engine slightly compaired to none. Could this engine be tuned to lean burn? Could that hurt the engine lowering the idle or tuning it to burn lean?