Originally Posted by Ecky
On any kind of declination, I generally pull out of gear and kill the engine. Cruising in-gear is only for level ground and inclines in my cars, and lean burn in 5th can't be held if there's more than the mildest headwind or incline.
Actually, upon consideration, the 2800lb Civic could probably go a little taller, the 1.3L still has some pep, despite being at <1800RPM @ 55.
Some more options between first and third would be nice though.
Not enough slope for that. Can't P&G for a number of reasons so I usually end up having the engine burn half its fuel to spin itself. I'm doing 3k at 60 in 5th- great gearing to go up most interstate standard hills, but horrible on the flats. There is a 60 mile stretch where I'm shifting only between 5th and neutral and back to 5th.