If my transmission had 2 diff ratios and used it to reuse 4th and 5th, with a 3.1 high diff ratio and a 4.31 low diff ratio my RPM at 65 MPH would look like this:
gear ratio RPM
3rd 1.31*4.31 5096
4th 0.969*4.31 3770
5th 0.815*4.31 3171
4th H 0.969*3.1 2711
5th H 0.815*3.1 2280
As far as RPM goes, that 4H and 5H look pretty good, I'd be at cruising RPM at highway and freeway speeds. Right now I can hold 5th at 35 MPH and don't need to think about downshifting if I'm over 45 MPH.