Originally Posted by darcane
1) This is just temporary. Fuel prices will go back up.
As they say, "the cure for low prices is low prices."
Oil Bulls Plunge Into Market as U.S. Gasoline Demand Hits Record
American gasoline consumption rose to 9.25 million barrels a day in March, an all-time high for the month, the American Petroleum Institute said April 21.
Oil Bulls Plunge Into Market as U.S. Gasoline Demand Hits Record - Bloomberg
The graph for active US oil rigs is still pointing straight down, and US production has also been falling. It's down something like 7% from its peak last year.
(Canadian numbers aren't as readily available, but I suspect the picture here is even more dire because of higher production cost & pipeline bottlenecks.)
In the past couple of months, US gas prices have climbed to a 6 month high:
And predictably, activity in the forum was up last month.