Originally Posted by Xist
Last I checked, the interest on my savings account is one percent...
...of one percent!
That's why reward checking accounts are way better. You'll earn several percent interest, and get ATM fees refunded.
Savings accounts do just that; preserve the funds you deposit over time. They aren't called investment accounts, which have the goal of outperforming inflation and return a profit on the investment.
Originally Posted by Xist
I am not excited about deducting 55¢ per mile from my first client's house to the last client, when I only pay 15% interest.
I am currently paying 6% on my student loans. Where can I find an investment that pays better?
I don't know what you mean by deducting $0.55 per mile and what you are paying 15% interest on, but I sure would like to have $0.55 for every mile I drive.
The best investment you can make is to take most of whatever is in your 0.2% interest savings account and pay down your student loan debt. Paying off debt is like a guaranteed investment at that rate, except you are avoiding that cost instead of gaining that amount.
Try to think of paying your student loan like putting your money in a 6% savings account.
Pay off the highest interest debt first, so that means eliminate credit card debt, unless you have a promotional zero interest card.