It depends on the particular vehicle. Is your "powerful vehicle" 2WD or 4WD? 4WD vehicles normally get less MPG than 2WD vehicles. Generally, keeping RPM 2500 or below while accelerating at high engine load is beneficial. Wasting too much time accelerating is detrimental to fuel economy.
...allowing some boost to get it to speed very quickly?
??? Until you install your planned supercharger, there is no "boost" on that vehicle.
My experience with hypermiling automatics has been very limited until recently. I purchased my 2013 F-150 4X4 on Mar 29. It has the 5.0 liter "Coyote" motor and 6R80 6-speed auto. From my experience with my Mustang, I limit acceleration RPM to 2000-2500. (
most of the time)

I also limit my speed to the posted speed limit. My tires on both vehicles are at sidewall max. (50 PSI)
Your mileage may vary.
And don't consider
EVERY stoplight to be a "Christmas tree".