This is all MY observation, and not very scientific....sorry lol
In traffic, I can turn onto a road and basically 1st to 4k RPM, 2nd to 4k, and then 6th and I am cruising at 45-60 MPG (depending on vehicle and environment temperatures).
With no traffic, I go 80% engine load, and shift around 1750 RPM. Maybe 2k+ and skip shift.
If I don't have anywhere to be (and I've gotten the first method out of my system lol) I take 1st to 6 MPH, 2nd to 11 MPH, 3rd to 20 MPH, 4th to 25 MPH, 5th to 30 MPH, then 6th I keep at MPG of 30+ MPG. Slow, but the best way.
(Cough cough, Redneck) Lately, I have been able to accelerate at 40+ MPG on a flat [road] when going 35 MPH +.
So, I'm really no help at all. I'm not an auto, and I have no conclusive information, and my data is basically "don't do it too slowly, unless you go super slow."
But I hope you learned the REAL lesson. Every vehicle and situation is different, you'll have to experiment and monitor your vehicle to find what works best for you