^^ Word.
In addition to costing more than "regular" tires, performance oriented ones wear out faster due to the softer compound. They get you coming and going. So you'll save money two ways by switching to an LRR tire.
Seconded (thirded, fourthed) on the gauge. Save up and get something. Moment-to-moment feedback has a bigger effect on your mileage than almost anything else you can do, because of everything it's the one thing that makes it possible to really effectively adjust the nut behind the wheel. Even a plain ol' vacuum gauge is better than nothing.
Your RSX is nice and light compared to a lot of newer cars, and you have a manual. XLNT. There are fertile fields to reap, there.
Welcome. This is the other side of performance driving, and a lot of what you learned can be applied in this kind of driving too - it just has to be applied differently.

Lead or follow. Either is fine.