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Old 05-06-2016, 01:43 PM   #142 (permalink)
Neutral is my favorite
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Niagara Falls, NY
Posts: 225

The Black Pearl - '03 Mercury Marauder 300A
Team Panther

Land Yacht - '08 Lincoln Navigator L Ultimate
90 day: 15.89 mpg (US)

Tank of Justice III - '97 Ford Crown Victoria HPP
Team Panther
90 day: 24.84 mpg (US)
Thanks: 52
Thanked 63 Times in 53 Posts
Thumbs down I messed up

Yup. Big time.
When I torn down my donor motor, I marked the timing chains, crank, and cam gears with corresponding marks with my paint pen. I did this when I put the new motor in my Town Car and it came out flawless.
Well, apparently this wasn't timed correctly. By me.
It's an interference engine, and I must have been off by more than a tooth, because:

Yeah, it was turning over fine by hand. I but battery power on to prime oil pump and it made a metallic noise and then stopped.
I found that three of the eight valve springs were raised, and that I could push them back down with my hand. I shouldn't be able to do that.

So I F'd three valves. Fortunately, I still had an entire set of valves hanging around that had been ultrasound cleaned and were ready for installation.

So I put everything back together AND turned it over by hand and by battery and it all went swimmingly.

I'm stoked that I figured out that issue and with minimal damage to the heads and pistons. It might be running my Monday evening!!!

To efficiency, and beyond!

-ryan s.
1997 Ford Crown Victoria HPP- "Tank of Justice III" 194k - 578.9 miles on ONE tank
2003 Mercury Marauder- 63k, not so fuel efficient; #1,548 of 11,052
2008 Lincoln Navigator L - 244k (don't ask about mpg)

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