Bror, just why is it "just not an option for you". Were you raised to be somewhat racist against blacks like I was so you can't bring yourself to vote for him? If so, you should know that Obama is 50% white and was 100% raised by his white mom and white grandparents so he does not fit the ignorant stereotypes you are thinking of.
But you do know McCain is pandering to these ignorant people and you know drilling won't do anything to stop oil from doubling or tripling during his tenure, and you know Obama is serious about getting off of foreign oil completely within 10 years (That means the US buys only US made oil and doesn't give a dime to our enemies). T Boone even said that Obama's plan was a good start but needed more natural gas and drilling in the picture. We also know that McCain has just recently received 2 million dollars directly from OIL COMPANIES so you can guarantee which president will have the much higher oil prices during his tenure and beyond. Just follow the money.
And I didn't even get into the fact that our dollar has plummeted over 40% under Bush's war costs and economic policies and that McCain will continue all of those exactly the same because it will be the same Karl Rove guys running the show.
In stark contrast, Obama will quit killing our dollar and stop wasting 700Billion yearly on imported oil, and another 400 Billion yearly on Iraq but McCain will keep that massive hemorrhaging going and our country just cannot afford it. Not to mention McCain's economic guru is Phil Gramm who also worked with Bush to set up Bush's failed banking policy in 2002 which is what, directly caused our entire mortgage credit collapse!! It just get's worse and worse.
Everyone, there is a correlation to McCain almost failing out of college and graduating even worse than Bush at near last in a class of almost 1000 students and why his solutions do nothing to help us and why he didn't even know there were Sunnis and Shiites in Iraq years into the war. And there is a reason why Obama, who grew up working/middle class like most of us, excelled in school and earned scholarships to Harvard and eventually became the president of it's Prestigious Law Review, has shown that his ideas are real solutions that work and will end us giving 700 BILLION A YEAR TO TERRORIST SPONSORING COUNTRIES!
They both are "options", McCain is just the dumb and radical option, especially when he could possibly start WWIII during his tenure as the oldest, dumbest, newly elected president ever. Last thing, just weeks after 9/11, McCain was first to go on TV blaming Saddam for sending out the Anthrax in the mail so he could drum up American anger towards Saddam and guarantee an invasion of Iraq using a barrage of fake and false propaganda along with Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and Condi. Now it turns out McCain was completely wrong again and the anthrax actually came from a US government facility. You can't get more wrong than that!
Last edited by wonderworm; 08-06-2008 at 12:33 PM..