Yes, proper tire inflation can reduce oil consumption in the US immediately up to 3 or even 4% right now while Drilling our coastlines in the states that allow it will increase oil output 1-2% 15 years from now.
I would expect the idiot who said he is "just getting started on the internet" and "I don't know much about the economy" to also mock the free and easy 3-4% savings now idea in favor of the 1-2% savings sometime after he is dead and gone.
And the American people still suck this stuff up and vote against their own interests........unbelievable. Obama lowers taxes on everyone more than McCain for 95% of us. So go ahead and be selfish, get that extra $1,000 big oil rebate Barack will give you or say "nahhh, I think Exxon needs to earn more than 120 billion in pure profit in 12 months, they need it more than me."