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Old 08-06-2008, 01:56 PM   #23 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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I certainly did not "call everyone who opposes him a racist" and I'm sorry you took it that way Jesse, if so, I apologize for the misunderstanding. That part was solely to Bror because he said he agreed with Obama's energy plan and disagreed with McCain's ideas that tire pressure was worthless and otherwise commented that he did not want to vote for McCain but was forced to vote for him because voting for Obama is somehow "not an option".

And we do know that there are many whites out there (like my father, and uncle) who simply will not vote for Obama even though they agree 90-100% with his ideas, solely because they see him as Black. So I was just pointing out that Barack is actually much more closely aligned with his white ancestry and upbringing than black to provide truthful information to people who may be fearful and thus susceptible to the classic GOP scare tactics that revolve around race or religion. I hope you understand. Truth be told, I donated to Ron Paul and support him for President but am smart enough to know that Obama does have good ideas for real change and being one of the only 2 Congressmen to speak out strongly against the war way back in 2002 does mean something. It was only Ron Paul and Barack who had the balls to stand up for what was the right decision during a time when Americans rightly wanted retribution for 9/11. We just took out our anger on the wrong country due to the greedy self interests of the war and oil profiteers who are running this administration and America was manipulated into invading Iraq when we should have been sending another 100,000 troops to Afghanistan to eliminate the taliban once and for all and destroy all traces of Al Qaeda's leadership.