wonderworm, I threw that brief, one-liner at the beginning of my first post so people had some idea as to where I am coming from as I stated my opinion of McCain's stunt ... not as an opening salvo to take the thread off-topic and into pure politics.
As you should have gleaned from my simple post, I am no great fan of McCain. I think most people figured this out.
I am a classic/conventional conservative ... read up on the Heritage Foundation's website if you want to know how I view most issues. I won't go into them here.
jesse is right. Assuming people who disagree with you are racists is not the way to go if you want to be an effective debater and/or advocate.

Instead of making assumptions about me, you could have asked for clarification ... even in a PM if need be.
Back to topic: while I'd like to see more people adopt hypermiling techniques (and increased tire inflation is a good place to start), it isn't a complete substitute for increased energy production.