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Old 05-26-2016, 02:41 PM   #127 (permalink)
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Blackfly - '98 Geo Metro
Team Metro
Last 3: 70.09 mpg (US)

MPGiata - '90 Mazda Miata
90 day: 54.46 mpg (US)

Appliance car Mirage - '14 Mitsubishi Mirage ES (base)
90 day: 51.82 mpg (US)
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bystander comments & guesses

I have never had so many people want to talk to me about any car I've ever driven.

Today, two people came over to talk to me within 10 minutes. Even on the road, people roll down their windows beside me in traffic to ask about it. I saw a guy pull over to the side of the road to let me go by so he could pull out behind and get a better look.

My favourite so far: one guy literally ran out into the middle of the street, waving his arms for me to stop so he could find out about it. OK, so he was also drinking beer. But still, full points for enthusiasm!

Also memorable: a gaggle of school kids (let's say grade 6 or 7) -- 2 boys and 2 girls -- seemed so excited about it that at first I was sure they were just taking the piss outta me, as a Brit might say. But they kept asking legitimate questions and in the end seemed seriously impressed by it. "That's so cool. You should sell those!"

Guessing game!

Lately, instead of just answering the usual question, "what is that for??", I've started a fun new game: Guess What that Thing is on the Back of My Car!

Guesses so far:

1) It's a fold-out tent for car camping.

2) It's extra fuel storage - auxiliary tank inside.

3) Added crumple zone!

4) Extra cargo space.

33% vs. 66%

I'd say about 1/3 of the people who have asked about the tail figured it out with no prompting. One older woman in particular was memorable. She was walking along a sidewalk carrying full bags from the grocery store and stopped as I rolled into a parking space downtown. (The engine had shut off as I slowed down to park.)

Question 1: "That's the quietest car I've ever heard. Is it a hybrid?"

Questions 2, 3 & 4 rapid fire: "What's that on the back? Aerodynamics? Is it for better fuel economy? "

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.


Of course I've also seen what amounts to pointing and laughing. But those people don't come up and talk to me. I wish I knew what they were thinking too.
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